In the Know

ACSI Day of Prayer
Please join us as we pray for our school and Christian schooling around the world. This year’s theme is Shalom. Together as the global church body, we can raise our petitions to God and know He will provide peace that surpasses all understanding. (Philippians 4:6-7)
Thanksgiving Greeting
As we reflect on the many blessings of our lives,
we give thanks during this season.
May you and your family be richly blessed
during the celebration of Thanksgiving.
The Faculty and Staff of Turlock Christian

In the Know – January 2021
January 20, 2021
We’re Done with COVID!
Well, we are, and we aren’t. On the one hand, we are all “done” with COVID, tired of its disruption, tired of hearing about it, thinking about it, talking about and, especially done with dealing with it. On the other hand, we are still dealing with it and will be for some time yet.
Bear with me as I share a few COVID thoughts.
- God has been good. Though some TC family members have contracted the virus, and we have endured numerous quarantines, the school has not been the source of COVID cases and two of our quarantine periods were shortened by overlapping scheduled school breaks.
- Parents have been patient and understanding, even though some have been impacted by multiple quarantines. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
- Teachers and staff have adjusted to new requirements time and time again, taken on added work, and addressed COVID-related problems with creativity and diligence. I am so proud of them and thankful for them.
- COVID will continue to disrupt but we will stay the course of on-campus education because we all know it is best for our students. And we will continue to offer a Homeschool option for those who need and prefer it.
I ask three things of us all.
- If your student is sick, please keep them home.
- If you or someone in your family tests positive or been exposed to a COVID-positive person, please report it to the school.
- Pray. God is sovereign. He is in control. He has chosen to bless us thus far. Let’s ask for His continued grace to rest upon us all.
Momentous Days
Our country has not been so severely divided since the Civil War. We have not seen this level of violence in our streets since the 60’s. We are divided politically, racially, according to class, gender and sexual orientation. Many have lost the ability to argue principals, values and ideas without treating those who disagree with them as evil and enemies to be destroyed. Social Media has become Anti-social Media, a platform for all kinds of extremes and force for ending free-speech. In the midst of this and much more, this week marks two momentous days.
Monday was Martin Luther King Day made more significant in 2021 because of the racial and political strife of 2020. Though flawed, as we all are, he was an articulate visionary and courageous leader. His advocacy of non-violent protest from the 1960’s needs to be heard once again.
“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality… I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.”
And today is Inauguration Day. Perhaps not since the 1860’s has an inauguration been so divisive. Some are ecstatic while others despair. Some believe truth and goodness have
been restored while others believe deceit and evil have triumphed. Regardless of our viewpoints, we all recognize things are going to change, for better of for worse, and that change will be dramatic.
For me, today is neither a day of celebration nor despair, because regardless of who the President is, yesterday or today, we as Christians know who the King is! He is our “constant” in this sea of change. He, not the one who was President yesterday or is today, is our Hope and Leader.
Today is a good day to remember our King has issued a call and made a promise to those of us who follow Him.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 |
Thanks for the privilege of serving you.
God bless you and your family,
Dr. William Hoyt, Head of School